Thursday, February 19, 2009

housework avoidance and more

housework to do and where am I? going through old photos on my computer, photoshopping them and storing them organized, but a time waster!

Having my brother and Mom over tonight for a birthday dinner so need to get going the heat is off and i'm turning into a popsicle!

It really is fun looking at the old pics though. the kids are 7 and 4 now...and many of the pics that I was viewing are 3 or more years old...WHERE did the time go?

wanted to comment on inspiration...I am loving facebook (although another huge timeburner) because I have so many glass artist and jewelry designer "friends" out there that post their wonderful new work. I'm especially enamored of a set of beads made by Dora Shubert.
( ) The colors just call to me so I need to get into my studio and fire up some glass...SOON!

hope you find inspiration in your day today too!


  1. I have started to carry a little black note book and a very fine (0.05 mm) pen with me. I actually have about 3 of these books laying all over the place. My camera is doing roadtrips with me these days, and I am consiously trying to look for inspiration around me - But the bestest is still other people's beads. Colour, shape, combinations, etc. I just love looking at beads, and Dora's is high up there!

  2. Oh you should see my house. Corners? Neglected. Cobwebs? Not looking. Happy? Oh yeah!

  3. hi Deb...
    found you through Kathy..
    love the blog...
    have a wonderful week
    mona & the girls
