Thursday, February 19, 2009

housework avoidance and more

housework to do and where am I? going through old photos on my computer, photoshopping them and storing them organized, but a time waster!

Having my brother and Mom over tonight for a birthday dinner so need to get going the heat is off and i'm turning into a popsicle!

It really is fun looking at the old pics though. the kids are 7 and 4 now...and many of the pics that I was viewing are 3 or more years old...WHERE did the time go?

wanted to comment on inspiration...I am loving facebook (although another huge timeburner) because I have so many glass artist and jewelry designer "friends" out there that post their wonderful new work. I'm especially enamored of a set of beads made by Dora Shubert.
( ) The colors just call to me so I need to get into my studio and fire up some glass...SOON!

hope you find inspiration in your day today too!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I found the One World One Heart Blogging event today and realized that I am really missing out on a great community and means of getting my work and words out into the universe. so here I am, setting up a new blog! More soon....I PROMISE!